Sable's Grimoire
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android
Sable's Grimoire tells the story of an aspiring magic researcher who begins to attend an academy filled with demi-humans.
When Sable is accepted into Amadronia Magic Academy, a prestigious academy famous for its resources and curriculum, he believes that he has crossed an important milestone in his life.
As an aspiring magic researcher, not to mention one of the few pure-blooded human beings capable of using magic, Sable has high hopes for his time at Amadronia. His dream of becoming a world-renowned magic researcher is finally within his grasp, and with the assistance of the much-lauded teaching staff at Amadronia, he is sure that the next few years of his life will be as productive as they are enlightening.
Unfortunately for Sable, his first day at Amadronia quickly proves to him that this will not be the case.
Arrogant elves, a ravenous rokurokubi, a poison-tongued mandragora, a pyromaniac dragon, unenthusiastic teachers - Amadronia is nothing like Sable envisioned. The students in his class are unruly, his "teacher" has no interest in teaching, the principal willfully breaks academy rules, and it seems like everywhere he turns, Sable finds one more reason to doubt Amadronia's proud legacy.
Will Sable manage to survive at this clearly dysfunctional academy? Or will he, like so many others, leave Amadronia feeling utterly disillusioned?
In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $15 USD. You will get access to the following files:
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Development log
- Version 1.09.1Mar 24, 2023
- Version 1.09.0 (After Story)Oct 02, 2022
- Version 1.08.3Sep 05, 2021
- Version 1.08.2Aug 31, 2021
- Version 1.08.1Aug 28, 2021
- Version 1.08 (Eris's route)Aug 22, 2021
- A Dragon's Treasure releasedJul 31, 2020
- Man And Elf releasedJun 20, 2020
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Found the demo in the snap store and up voted it
It's awesome how you go the extra mile for commercial games and make them avaiable on all platform (I know it's easy to do in renpy but lots of devs don't export anything besides windows)
Thanks! It's a shame that cross-platform still isn't the norm. At least Proton on Steam is helping to pick up the slack a bit.
Just recently bought the game om xbox and saw your comment about how the dlcs you made aren't on it. Is Eris's route on then xbox or is it strictly this version that has her route?
Eris's route is on Xbox nowadays. The main game Sable's Grimoire on Xbox should have everything that the version here does, it just came later because it needed to be ported and then approved.
The other games in the series (Man and Elf, A Dragon's Treasure) aren't on Xbox though.
okay, thanks for telling me. Love the game so far and the world building you have. Definitely a game worth getting! Can't wait to see what you have in store for the sequel
Just spent the past week staying up too late because I just couldn't put this down. I absolutely adored it and look forward to more in the future. Thank you for making these!
I just finished playing your game on Xbox, and saying I liked it is an understatement. But I'm not one to use cheesy words of appreciation, so that will have to do.
I also find your game to be quite educational, thanks to the in-depth writing. I was really impressed. I basically just stumbled upon the game by chance, and I was like, "Huh, seems interesting. Let's try it." And I spent my day off polishing the game, lol.
Though I gotta ask... Will "Man and Elf" and "A Dragon's Treasure" come out on Xbox too, or should I just buy it here?
Thanks EfyrAethylla, I'm glad to hear you liked it so much.
Unfortunately they've both been rejected by Xbox (A Dragon's Treasure has been released on the other consoles already). I don't think it's likely that xbox will change their mind.
Are there any news about update to 1.09 at JastUSA store? I recently re-downloaded it and it's still 1.08.3 build.
Hmm, I sent them the builds months ago. I'll try contacting them again.
JAST say that version 1.09 should be available now.
Yup, they finally updated it. Let's just hope that they won't take so long to approve upcoming MHGF update.
Thank you for your help and please keep making great VNs.
i love this game! own it through and steam for my deck! cant wait for the sequel!! oh, and Drakan best girl.
So, the games still being updated here? Or do i have to go to another page perhaps to buy it? And is it a one time purchase? (Android user here)
The game is still being updated here. It's a one-time purchase.
I linked to the Steam page because that's where the roadmap outlining the development of the Sable's Grimoire series is maintained. and other stores will continue to receive the same updates as the Steam version does.
I promise this is the last question as I'm probably becoming annoying but does the teacher (the succubus) have a romance ending?
She does have a route, but I wouldn't call the ending romantic. It's a Good End for her which will continue in Sable's Grimoire 2.
Hello! I've been playing this game a lot recently on Switch and it's great. I'm used to a bit more romance (particularly when compared to Rei/Eth routes), but this isn't bad by any means and the focus on magic is refreshing.
Only gripe is on not having Eris's route yet. I understand from previous replies that it's something handled by another company, but do you have any insight on how long it could take, or even if it's coming at all? Despite really enjoying all the rest, I'll be honest and say that it sours the experience a little bit.
Thanks for any info, and looking forward to whatever is coming in the future!
I wish I had a better answer for you, but unfortunately nothing has changed since the last time that question was asked.
All I'm getting from the people porting the update is that it's being worked on. I don't have an ETA.
Just finished Tix's route, and I'm not happy with that one. Her mom is a selfish bitch who doesn't really care about her daughter's happiness. I don't know about anyone else, but a mom asking a guy to take advantage of her daughter is a little too fucking far for my liking.
Just finished my first playthrough, for Drakan's route. She is adorable, her mother is terrifying.
Hello there! New player here, (Sorta, I’ve been heavily playing it on Console the last few days!) and I was really eager to properly reach out to you and tell you my thoughts, and ask some questions!
First off, I just wanna say that I LOVE this game so much! The amount of reading material and thinking about the world building this game has, has given me so many hours of pure JOY and that genuine giddy happy feeling you get when you accomplish something great! That’s the feeling I get while playing this game! So from the bottom of my heart, /thank you/. Thank you for making such an incredible game!
Now I hope I don’t come across like Sable does when questioning Demi-Humans and ask TOO much of you, but-. As a Console Player, I am behind on the recent update that adds Eris’ Route, and Rei and Eth’s true ending. As such, I actually don’t know how Rei and Eth’s true ending goes, (Please don’t spoil it entirely! Just a looking for hope with what I’m about to ask!) and Rei was the character I was really hoping to Romance a bit after playing! Eth has a Romance ending, and the only current Rei ending I have is her leaving, which genuinely bums me out a little! So I was wondering if Rei and Eth’s ending is a Double Romance? Or will there /ever/ be a plan in the future to have an Exlcusive Rei romance like Eth currently has? I would absolutely adore that, but I also know I’m just one player of many who don’t all share the same opinions, so I could never be upset if the answer is no. (I’ll always have hope though, fingers crossed!)
The other question I have is, A Dragon’s Treasure and Man and Elf both are continuations of Romance storylines into their own games. But what I want to know is, will Drakan and Lisha be the only ones given the extra game treatment? If Sable’s Grimoire 2 continues other Characters storylines, does that mean Tix and Eth (and really hoping for Rei!) don’t get personal game extensions of their own? I understand your answer may very well be “That’s a LOT of work so absolutely not!”, and that’s.. VERY understandable! Because typically I imagine that means Erotic scenes and CG for those characters just like Drakan and Lisha were given. So I’m fairly sure I know the answer to this already! But I wanted to ask anyways because what could be a more concrete answer than one from the Dev themselves!
Again, I hope I didn’t talk your ear off, but I’ve /absolutely/ fallen in love with this game, and I’m hoping to see more beautiful content pour into it, if you think it’s a game worth giving the extra love! I definitely believe it is! Even if it’s not the most popular with most, it definitely really struck a chord on my heart, and seeing more content (Like an exclusive Rei route *wink wink*) that isn’t just the “Sable’s Grimoire 2” in the next two years, would absolutely give me more to absolutely GUSH about this game to my friends with! I know you’re already planning big things, so I hope this inspires you to keep up the amazing work!
Again, thank you. This game genuinely gave me some smiles and laughs when I needed them, extra routes or not, I will love this game and all the future content it brings us!
P.S, I am saving up to get myself a Computer. And when I do, you can be SURE that I am buying THIS game again, AND Man and Elf, and A Dragons Treasure! This is a project to support, and I hope I see this game get flooded with more content to keep us all smiling! It’s a game worth buying twice! <3
Hi Arclighted, I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed Sable's Grimoire so much. I'll try to keep this relatively spoiler-free. The new content is coming to consoles at some stage... but it's in the hands of the company who port SG, so I don't know when it'll actually be done.
Rei's new ending isn't a double romance ending. It's not a romantic ending at all (though it's definitely a happier ending for Rei).
Whether other characters (including Rei) get their own games or not is yet to be decided. At the very least it wouldn't be until SG2 is done. Any hypothetical new games for different heroines would take place chronologically after SG2 and continue on from their routes in SG2. So in Rei's case it could potentially be SG1 (rei's route) -> SG2 (rei's route) -> new spin-off game.
That's how I'd see it playing out, though again, it's not decided yet. I won't rule out more heroine-specific games, but with the next two games in the series (SG2 and Project Homonculus) already announced I'd rather hold off on making any promises until they're done.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!
And also thank you for the answers! This is a game definitely worth waiting for when it comes to content updates, so no matter how long the Console update takes, I’m absolutely ready to play it!
As for the continuing character routes, I think that’s a really creative and clever way to keep everything going in a straight line for each character! While I do admittedly hope to see Rei get a truthfully WELL deserved romance route, I know you’ve got a LOT on your plate as it is, and of course you can’t be thinking so far ahead with SG2 on the way! And even then, you couldn’t confirm anything like a romance ending without knowing how the second game truly unfolds! So I understand! Fingers crossed though~!
I can only wish you the best of luck! Genuinely, I’ll have my eye on this game as frequently as I can, and I’m glad to have found it when I did! I hope I can drop in and maybe ask some more things in the distant future when you release more info, because as I said, this is SUCH an incredible world! This genuinely is by far, my favourite VN of all time! Thanks again, and I’ll definitely get this game again on computer!
Is it possible to get a steam key? Looking to have steam update automatically instead of periodically looking and noticing 1.08.1
I think the client does auto updates as well?
In any case, if you send me your email address I can send you a Steam key. They take a day or two to generate/be approved, so there will be a little delay.
I tried to find your email address online but couldn't find it and it is understandable you don't want to be spammed or anything.
Minding sending it to with the title "steam key"
The game's not starting on Xbox One, when's need to select your profile the game closes.
I've heard there's an issue when starting the game with a USB gamepad. Could you try starting with a wireless controller?
If that doesn't help, you may need to contact Gamuzumi. They publish the console port of Sable's Grimoire.
Yes, I use a Razer cable controller, I will try it with a standard controller.
I don't think I'll be able to help with that then. Please contact Gamuzumi, they make the console ports and have far more knowledge on the consoles than I do
I am start the game and i found it's graphically and well designed, i love it.
I have started the game on Android, i have tried to put the Save games to the windows version but, no luck, it isnt compatible. it will be a possibility to get android save to windows and windows to android ?
Sorry, I don't think that's possible.
Your best bet might be to go into the Preferences page, change the skip setting to All Text, then skip until you get up to where you were on Android.
Thanks for the answer. I See it accept the "persistent" file. If i copy this file, i can skip just to the last text See on my Android game ;) (in think the "persist" file contain the information of the last words readed ingame.)
I gently advance in game and i like, many discussion with all characters, that's great. (I'm french so in certain case i dont understanded somes words but isnt a problem, i understanded most of the discussion :) )
EDIT: For information (you can add that on information) Save file isnt compatible between Windows/Android BUT, the "Persist" file withch that content all your progression (Route, Gallery, text already see for fast skipping) is compatible between Android & Windows Version. I just finished 4 route and after copy the file to my computer i get all my progression on the Windows version , very happy so i doesnt need to remake all route :)
Hi Rance, I'm not currently looking to hire any translators.
I just, after a long time ignoring it played Joanne's route. It's uncomfortable. For the most part I was lamenting it didn't get a sequel like Drakan and Lisha's route but at the end it's just such an awkward transphobic allegory I'm not sure what to make of it. In the "good end" she's enslaved and in the "bad end" she's allowed to make her own choices regarding her identity? Then the main character repeatedly and very specifically deadnames her?
Indeed, it is uncomfortable. It's supposed to be.
Jorou is self-harming, overworking and starving herself, and lashing out at others. The people close to her don't know what's going on with her, let alone how to help her.
Medication, counseling, and monitoring her condition? ("enslaved" as you put it)
Or to ignore her violent outburst and self-harm and just act like nothing happened?
They don't know the right answer. It's not a situation Sable or any of the main cast are equipped to deal with, nor do they grasp the depth of why she's acting this way.
I should point out that there is a third ending for Jorou. It was added in version 1.04.
It doesn't conclude the matter of her self identity, however. It's only in the Joanne ending that Sable really learns about that.
The third ending sets up the transition into Sable's Grimoire 2. That's where Jorou's route will continue (rather than as a separate game like for Lisha and Drakan) and her self-image will come up as part of her route, rather than just as an ending.
I don't think it's only uncomfortable for the reason it's supposed to be uncomfortable. Joanne's endings are weirdly and specifically transphobic. I hadn't originally wanted to see the ending in which Joanne was confined to the asylum but for completeness I did so and was surprised to find it was also transphobic for really no good reason.
Within a very short time-frame, in a very small number of words in Joanne's endings we see her deadnamed, erroneous references to "mutilation" and outmoded references to transvesticism. If it's all coincedence it's still weird to see so much hit so fast.
In the "good" ending she's left in the care of Sable and Amadronia but from the "bad" endings we can see neither one of them respects her, has her best interests at heart or cares about her well-being. On its own that's a really interesting story hook but in context of the weirdly specific transphobic allegory it's awkward to say the least.
I feel like you're conflating the Joanne ending with the rest of her route and forgetting that the characters don't have the same insight into her situation that you now do.
It's easy to complete the Joanne ending and say "ah, so that's what she wants" and to look back over the rest of her route with that insight. But the characters in the game don't have that leisure. They don't know that she wants to become human; only that she keeps harming and denigrating herself. They don't link her self-harm with her not feeling comfortable in her own body; they only see self-destructive behavior.
Take the other ending, for instance. She isn't being confined because she wants to become someone else, or to stop her from undergoing such a transformation. She's confined because she's repeatedly self-harmed, and has now started physically hurting the people around her.
As for the Joanne ending, I understand your concerns with Sable's reaction, but I think it speaks more to his shock than anything. He hasn't seen her in months, now she's suddenly lost her demi-human aspects and taken on a new name. His inability to immediately adapt to her new name and appearance is unfortunate, but I don't see it as transphobic.
If that ending lasted a bit longer, then he might have gotten used to calling her by her new name. After having a chance to sit down and talk with her about her transformation, he might be able to accept that this is what she wants, and that what he called mutilation is actually something far more positive for her. Of course, the game ends before they have such a chance, so all we see is his initial failure to cope with this sudden change.
Anyway, if you view Sable's reaction in the Joanne ending as transphobic, then I can at least understand why. But I don't see how you can apply that to the rest of her route or the other endings. Their desire is to stop their self-harming friend, who's been overworking herself, not sleeping or eating properly, and violently attacked someone, from spiraling out of control any further.
I'm trying to inform my reading of the end where Joanne gets stuck in Amadronia by what I've seen in the other endings so conflating them is certainly a risk. When I saw the ending in which Joanne stays in Amadronia under Sable's guidance it reads quite well. Joanne appears to be suffering an analogue of trauma induced body dysmorphia. With the information he has it's perfectly reasonable for Sable to assume this is in her best interests, even if Amadronia is far from an ideal environment there really isn't a suitable facility for her or any of the demihumans still locked in the asylum. The problems only arise when we see what Sable does when he realises what he wants and what Joanne wants are in conflict.
The idea that Sable is shocked and reacts poorly tracks very well with his character. He's a shut-in with a slightly problematic fixation on demi-humans. If the story hadn't stopped there I'd probably assume he would eventually learn his lesson and apologise. Since it does cut there the place where it cuts has additional significance and since it's a bad end it seems we're to assume the current situation is extremely bad. The current situation is Joanne is genuinely happy for the first time we've seen her, she's comfortable, she's stopped self-harming. The implication is that this is bad because Sable believes she should be forced to live as her birth species and he specifically uses transphobic language to dismiss her. Since he's the one unhappy with the current situation and this is a bad end it feels like we're supposed to agree with Sable here.
If that's a bad reading then the implications on the main ending are substantially different. Amadronia is still a terrible environment for Joanne, Sable is still hopelessly out of his depth. But if he is prepared to put her needs above his own after all then the ending is bittersweet rather than pure grimdark.
That sounds reasonable to me. I hope that the continuation of Jorou's route in SG2 sheds a better light on all of this. The Joanne ending is obviously too brief to cover the breadth of the issues involved here, and doesn't do either character the courtesy of a proper discussion. SG2 is still a long way off, but I'll keep this conversation in mind for when it does reach that stage of development.
Will there be a sequel to Tix route too? I actually liked her as character the most so I hope for a sequel to the story of Sable and Tix.
Not a direct sequel like Drakan and Lisha. Tix's route would continue into Sable's Grimoire 2.
Sounds good I really love her character design. When will there be the first version of Sable's Grimoire 2 released? And one more question will it be a direct sequel to Sable's Grimoire with Drakan's and Lisha's sequel storys included or will it be a seperate game to these two?
Anyway hope you have a nice day and I just wanted to say your game is really great! ^^
Thanks Kain! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
It's still going to be a few years yet before SG2 is done. You can find a lot more information on future plans here:
I tried going for more routes but I could never reject Drakan.
Just ended to read Drakan's route. I was realy worried about MC in every danger situation and experienced his adventures by myself. Reading this was so addictive that once I spent all night in it. I was afraid of making bad choises and I'm glad that I hadn't. Zetsubou, thank you!!! I love this game! Now I'm going to try another routes.
P. S. Sorry for possible mistakes in this comment. I'm not very good in english.
Call me a horny idiot, but does this game have any NSFW content? If so, is it uncensored?
Not really. There are a couple of CGs with slight nudity, but nothing explicit or sexual.
The sequels (Man And Elf, A Dragon's Treasure) each have a sex scene though.
One of my top favorite Visual Novels and it has Monster girls/Demihuman girls. Wish this game would get more recognition then it is getting to help support it, especially for future updates. So far I know there will be extensions for Drake and Lisha, no surprise there. Hope to see others as well, but for now those are enough.
I must say that I enjoyed the personalities of the Characters, however they seemed to resemble often used archetypes, but I loved it all the same. Keep up the good work.
it's a really good VN, and i loved Drakan story. It was really touching. (I was hoping for a "kiss" but the ending was perfect even without that.)
With Steam recently accepting games with 18+ content, perhaps we can now get some more uncensored content. Regardless, I really enjoyed this one. Thanks! :)
My favourite VN ever!!!
But I REAAAAAAAAAALLY want a route for Eris. It seems like the setting is perfect for a long and interesting storyline around her (maybe continue after the point where you can "defend" her.) And she's best girl btw ;)
Edit: This review ended up being much longer than I thought haha.
Wow. I was completely blown away by this game. Absolutely amazing! I love all the characters and how they were written. This is a school/magic VN done right.
The main character is the type I like best. One who is disadvantaged compared to the other characters but is by no means weak. He's a human so compared to demi-humans, his magic reserves are low, but he's a smart cookie so he makes up for it. I like how the author has balanced his personality with being realistic and heroic (obviously depending on your choices) and he has some great sarcastic lines. I guess as a fellow shut-in, I just relate to him?
The novel starts off very light-hearted and comedy-centric but as the plot thickens, there is a very serious tone being followed about relationships and how they can be broken due to misconceptions or prejudice. Sometimes you take a break from this due to comedy but it is very well paced in my opinion.
The length of the story and the routes are very good for its price and is actually superior to some other VNs I've read. The art quality is amazing. Absolutely LOVE all 44 of the CGs. My favourite one is not only the last one I unlocked, but also the funniest one in my opinion. It's CG #10 - What You Wish For. If you're still on the fence about getting this game. Just do it for this one particular CG - you'll laugh your butt off.
All of the routes were well written and there some very thought provoking statements being said here that caught me off guard sometimes. My favourite for romance would be Drakan's with Lisha's coming in close second. As for comedy, it's definitely the Eth/Rei route. Can't tell much coz spoilers but wow. There are 3 people that I was expecting to get a route (Tix, Hel and Eris) but I am soooo glad Zetsubou did not give in and twist events to give them routes because it would have been very awkward given the situations in the game. That said, I would have also liked to see where he could have taken them if they became romantic interests but oh well. You can't have everything.
I'm just gonna have this paragraph here solely ranting about Jorou's route. Jorou's the one that really shocked me, I DID NOT expect anything like this. It was amazing in a dark way and that just makes it more memorable. *Minor spoiler* I am still not sure which one of her endings is meant to be the happy/good one and which one is the bad one. It is that complicated.
There are still a few minor issues with the novel but nothing game-breaking. For example, there are times when a character's portrait briefly flashes in the dialogue box when it's transitioning.
Zetsubou, if you're reading this, I really hope you make a Part 2 with these characters. There's still so much you could write about! I know I already typed about how the length of this is good, but I need MOAR.
In short, I love this game to bits and whoever's reading this should either have already bought the game or is now on their way to the Buy Now button above.
Thanks for reading!
Oh, I'm reading this. And there will be more ;)
I'm still mulling over a few possibilities, some of which are discussed here:
TL;DR: I'm working on a couple of new endings, there will probably be a Tix route, and for anything beyond that it's too soon to tell.
Do you remember any specific instances when the portrait flashed? It's a minor thing, but I'll fix it if I can.
Hmmm... There were a couple of instances, but the ones I remember semi-clearly were Rei's shouting face showing in the scenes where you first discover the underground facilities and Nidhogg's face near the end of the Drakan route. I think Lisha also had some moments but can't remember where in her route.
As for the ideas in the Steam discussion, I'm basically with everyone else in that Drakan and Lisha are the most viable options for any extension. This makes it even harder for a Tix route to show though because the Hunt route would have to be the canon one. Unless Sable was passing through pixie territory during a Hunt, having them meet is kinda hard and exactly the type of oh-so-convenient situation that I dislike. (Not hate per se, I wouldn't be too against it, but... yeah). As for Rei, I see no possible future. At all. Eth is almost as bad, but isn't a hopeless cause, but I don't see any action situations happening there. Sad because they made me laugh the most, but at least I still get to see them in the second year right? Right? Jorou... nah. That's gonna have to happen waaayyyyy past Sable's second year at Amadronia so she's not plausible either. Wow it's so hard to type this almost spoiler-free.
I also agree with waiting a year to see what happens first, but if/when you DO end up crowdfunding, I'll back it immediately. Assuming I get notified about it somehow lol. Best of luck to ya Zetsubou.
It does. 50 decisions (each with 2 or 3 choices), though most choices only affect dialogue. There are 13 different endings based on the choices you make.
Looks promising.